What is Corporate Compliance?
Big Bang Capital has established a strong reputation based on its core competencies. It has taken considerable time to build this reputation, but it can be easily tarnished by the thoughtless and unlawful actions of a single individual. Therefore, prevention is of utmost importance. Every employee’s adherence to the Corporate Compliance Principles plays a crucial role in mitigating risks as their behaviour directly affects the company’s image. While these principles provide a framework for proper conduct, they may not cover every possible situation or describe all relevant rules and regulations. National laws often impose stricter standards, which must be followed. The objective of these Corporate Compliance Principles is to highlight and explain essential aspects of corporate compliance rather than offering an exhaustive list. It is mandatory to always act lawfully and in accordance with applicable legislation. If you have any uncertainties, please reach out to the Legal Department for clarification.
Our Company faces public scrutiny when employees violate these Corporate Compliance Principles. Those who breach these principles may face severe consequences, including imprisonment, fines, claims for damages, and employment law sanctions, such as dismissal. Implementing these Corporate Compliance Principles rigorously demonstrates to business partners, authorities, competitors, and the media that corporate compliance is deeply ingrained in the culture of the Rhenus Group. Employees cannot defend themselves by claiming that their actions were in the company’s best interests because such breaches ultimately harm the Company in the long term.
Big Bang Capital operates in multiple countries, subjecting employees to various standards and ethical principles, some of which may be unfamiliar. Local activities may also fall under foreign jurisdiction. The potential consequences for the Company as a whole, whether in terms of reputation or strictly commercial aspects, outweigh any perceived benefits. These Corporate Compliance Principles aim to guide employees in their daily work and prevent inappropriate behaviour. They also emphasize the most common issues encountered in practice. Moreover, they encourage employees to familiarize themselves with relevant rules and seek advice when in doubt. Ignorance does not protect against the potential consequences of improper conduct. We will not engage in any business transaction that requires unlawful or unethical behaviour. Employees who refuse such transactions will not face penalties. If needed, employees can seek guidance from their supervisor/manager, the Legal Department, compliance officer, or other specialized staff. This is particularly important when other companies may be disadvantaged, there is a threat to the Company, a serious risk is involved, or the legal position is unclear.